Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why June 4th 2010 is important to your life!

I know I know interesting title huh? Well we have some performances that day and that is why we feel it is an important date. Let us run down the events in question:

 Live Manikins will be rocking live on KCRA channel 3 between 7am to 9am. Tune in to start your Friday morning off right!

and then

On June 4th Live Manikins will be rocking at Concert in the Park!!!! here is the lineup:

1st. - Live Manikins
2nd. -  The Nibblers
3rd. - The Method Echo

Opens at 5:00pm so come out!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw you this morning on KCRA! It was awesome!! After tonight, when's your next show?