Thursday, March 14, 2013

Binge Video: Self - (A)Maze featuring Kasi Jones (360p)


Self entered one of his singles off his upcoming album titled "The Birth" in the Talib Kweli x Binge speak up contest.

Binge Video: Self - (A)Maze featuring Kasi Jones (360p)

Why Are We Doing This?
Too often, videos merely glorify violence, negativity, and ignorance in society and hip-hop life. We know there are thousands of individuals who will never get their shot to be heard, simply because they don't follow the negative trend in the media industry or think they will not be recognized for their talent. So "Speak Up"!!


Friday, March 1, 2013

Concert in the Park 2013

The official announcement has been made and yes we are bringing out full band experience to the Concert in the Park 2013 on May 17th, 2013. We are thankful for the opportunity so shout out to Play Big Sacramento. Now for you all, supporters aka our family, we are building an intense set for you all. We are steady at work building by far the best Live Manikins experience to the concert along with a few tricks up our sleeves. Stay tuned and once again a big shout out thank you to the supporters out there. Without ya'll we wouldn't get this opportunity. #Word2mutha

~Live Manikins
"A full canvas experience"